Logan Peak

June 21, 2025

Photo Credit | Lindsay Lauck

Sign Up

Logan Peak Trail Run Logo

BUFFALO RUN ADVENTURES | Logan Peak 26 Mile Trail Race

2025 Race – June 21st at 6a.m.

Ultra Signup Logo

Registration for 2025 opens January 1st, 2025. Cost: $77.90 through May 21st, 2025 or $87.75 thereafter. Maximum Entrants: 150. We will accept entries through June 14th, 2025 or until the race fills (whichever comes first). You can register online at UltraSignup.com using a credit card. There will be a waiting list if the race fills. Discount codes – I don’t do them….period…..don’t ask….I think they’re stupid…..everyone pays the same price unless you register late, then you’ll pay a procrastination tax. **REFUNDS** – We now have an overall refund policy. Refer to Refund, Rollover, and Transfer Policy page.

I’m not offering the 22 mile as an official option. If you elect not to climb up to Logan Peak, you’ll still be credited with 22 miles and get a nifty finisher mug. 22 mile runners are also not eligible for the token amount of prize money that I pay out.

Start/Finish Area


Directions to the park:

Ok, directions to the park are pretty easy. From S Main Street in Logan, go east on Center Street. As you cross the Logan river, it will become Mountain Road. Keep following Mountain Road to Eastridge Drive. Turn right on Eastridge Drive until it “T’s” at Gibbons Parkway. Guess what? You’re there. Park in the parking lot. Yep, pretty simple.


Course Markings – The course will be flagged with brightly colored ribbon. There may also be some flour arrows and signs in critical areas, but I have to carry the flour on the course, so there won’t be a lot of that. There are no course markings from Aid Station #2 to the top of Logan Peak. That would be silly, just go uphill until you can’t anymore, tag the tower, then go back down. Yeah, not hard. In areas where there aren’t any side trails, don’t count on seeing too many confidence markers. Where there are side trails/ATV roads/junctions, there will be plenty. Pay very close attention to the course markings as you leave Aid Station #3 and head north. Every year a couple of you go off course here even though I mark the fool out of it. Start to Aid Station #1: The course will go north on Gibbons Parkway to Mountain Road and turn right, then run up the road until you get to Logan Dry Canyon trailhead. Runners then climb up Logan Dry Canyon for about 3.5 miles on single-track trail to Aid Station #1/4. Aid Station #1 to Aid Station #2: From Aid Station #1/4, the course turns right onto the South Syncline Trail and continues over to Providence Canyon (a little more than 2 miles on single-track with spectacular views). As the course enters the Providence Canyon drainage, the South Syncline Trail merges with the Welches Flat jeep trail, which rolls up and down for about 4 miles until joining the main Providence Canyon jeep trail. The Providence Canyon jeep trail climbs for another 0.75 mile, and then you follow the main forest service road 1.5 mile north to Aid Station #2/3. There are a few side trails along here. Pay attention to the course markings. Station #2/3. As you are above Providence Canyon on the jeep road, there will be a water source coming from a pipe into a trough. This water is really cold and good and as far as I know safe. I’ve drank from it numerous times and never had an issue. Aid Station #2 to Logan Peak and back to Aid Station #3: #3 It is a 900 foot climb in about 2.5 miles on jeep trail from Aid Station #2/3 up to Logan Peak. In most years, at least part of this is on packed snow. Along the way you can look down and see Providence Lake and a huge bowl called the Rodeo Grounds. The course returns the same way from the peak. Runners who wish to avoid the trek to Logan Peak (the Syncline Loop Option) can skip this section and proceed to the next section. (Finishers who take the Syncline Loop Option receive an official time for the 22 mile option, but not an overall place; note also that the distance for the Syncline Loop Option is NOT an ultramarathon distance.) If you are signed up for the 28 mile option and choose not to do the peak, please let the aid station people know so they can make a note of it. Aid Station #3 to Aid Station #4: This is the most varied section of the race, with pine forest, fir forest, aspen groves, wildflower meadows, sage slopes, short snow fields, mountain springs, and spectacular views into Logan Canyon and the Naomi high country. Leaving Aid Station #2/3, runners turn left and take the main forest service road north for about 1 mile, before turning left onto a spur road. About 0.4 mile down this spur road, the course makes a left turn onto single-track trail. This trail rolls for a little less than 2 miles until encountering a T junction at the bottom of a descent through fir trees. Make a left at this T (the trail to the right goes to a spring). Continue along this single-track for another 1.5 miles, eventually climbing gently to a sage/wildflower covered ridge. From this ridge, runners descend 1.25 miles back into Logan Dry Canyon. Along the way, there is a high mountain spring. When the trail comes to the canyon bottom, it makes a sharp right turn and then descends gently about 0.25 miles to Aid Station #1/4. There are two water sources along here. The first is a side trail off of a switchback. It’s about 100 yards down this side trail and is a spring coming out of the rock. I have also drank from this water and not had any problems. The other water source is about half a mile from Aid Station #4. It comes from a pipe into a trough and is really cold and good. I highly recommend filling your pack/bottles here as there may be limited water at the aid station. Aid Station #4 to the Finish: This last section (4.5 miles of mostly single-track) is simply the reverse of the first section of the race. Enjoy the downhill and the great views down Logan Dry Canyon into the Cache Valley! This section can get extremely hot as you drop down in elevation. We had a case of dehydration happen not too far up from the mouth of the canyon. We will try to get some water jugs up the canyon but please don’t count on this source.

NOTE:  There have been several times over the years when the course has either been modified, or aid #2/#3 has not been available due to the amount of snow on the course.  There is always snow on the course somewhere, but course mods or not will depend on how the weather gods treat us the previous winter.


There will be food at the finish, as well as plenty of soda and water. We usually cater from Subway. We’ll probably have some watermelon as well. We’ll also have some stuff to give away. Gift cards, various things I see at the store, etc. Must be present or still out on the course to win.


Timing will be the usual, by hand.

Logan Peak Maps

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Upcoming Events

Buffalo Run - March 28-29, 2025

Logan Peak Trail Run - June 21st, 2025

Harriman Park 25k/50k - August 23rd, 2025

Fall Classic 50k - November 7th, 2025

MTN View Trail Half Marathon - November 7th, 2025

Refund, Rollover, and Transfer Policy

Antelope Island Map

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